MorrIdeas: A Morrisville Hackathon for Gamification

529 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
529 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
starts on:
Jul 05, 2024, 05:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 06, 2024, 09:00 PM UTC (UTC)

Submission Guideline

Submission Requirements

We prefer to submit a Figma design & Presentation (10 slides) – Top presentations will be invited to pitch their idea to a group of judges in a virtual meeting.

All submissions should include At Least:

  • Up to 5 Figma designed screens
    • Should include a leaderboard system
    • Should include a point system for completing activities

  • Presentation of up to 10 slides including the information shown below:
    • Who are you/your team??
    • Overview of gamification solution
    • Explain the design, reasoning, and use of the Figma designed screens
    • Other needs to make the solution viable? Phone permissions?


  1. Working Demo of Solution
  2. Signed release form for Minors to be able to compete

Example of a Submission:

  • The Idea: Residents earn points by doing activities in the mobile app such as favoriting events, reporting a concern, or checking their Smart City Dashboard. These points add up to establish a leaderboard and every quarter, the town gives out a prize to the winner.

The items that could be submitted for this idea:

  • Figma Screen Designs
    • A screen design for a leaderboard showing the top 10 list and the users point total.
    • A screen design showing what activities earn points with point totals in a list form.
    • A screen design that showcases the prize that is being offered for more information of the item. Ex. If the prize was a gift card, possibly show an image of the company and an information area for info about the company.
    • A screen showing how points being awarded is shown to the user (popup on a current screen).

  • Presentation of the idea
    • 1st slide – Introduce team members and your experience
    • 2nd slide - Introduce solution with high level overview
    • 3rd – 5th slide – discuss and show how each designed screen works with your solution. Should show how a resident would experience your solution.
    • Additional slides may show any additional app permissions that would be needed such as GPS permissions for the device if using geofencing of locations. Could detail how a management system could be for staff to manage the awards.
    • Any other Information you want to tell us about your submission.
starts on:
Jul 05, 2024, 05:30 PM UTC (UTC)
closes on:
Sep 06, 2024, 09:00 PM UTC (UTC)

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