MorrIdeas: A Morrisville Hackathon for Gamification

526 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
526 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
starts on:
Jul 05, 2024, 05:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 06, 2024, 09:00 PM UTC (UTC)



Hackathon Evaluation Criteria

Criteria Points Description
Innovation 20 Evaluate the originality and creativity of the solution. Would it cause the app to be used more often? Does it challenge users to interact with the town in a tangible way? Was the physical and digital space included in their proposed solution?
User Experience (UX) 15 Consider the overall user experience and how the solution works alongside the current app functions. Does it seamlessly integrate with functions of the app or a mobile device? Do common uses of the mobile app factor into the solution?
Deliverables 10 Were all deliverables included with enough context to clearly see transitions? Was there a narrated video for additional context? Was a prototype delivered? Was the vision for the solution clear from all items delivered?
Presentation and Communication 10 How effective was the team presentation? Did they properly communicate the project to the judges? Did they explain how their gamification solution would include aspects of the physical and digital space?
Functionality 20 Does the proposed gamification include different aspects of the mobile app as part of the system, such as attending events/meetings, reporting a concern, or visiting a town facility?
Technical Difficulty and Feasibility 15 Consider the complexity and sophistication the gamification system would take to implement. Are there proposed products of vendors included to offer features proposed in the solution? Was the solution scalable, cost-effective, and compatible with the current uses of the app? Were any potential challenges noted and did they include mitigation strategies to address said challenges?
Coding Challenge 10 How original was the solution? How was the data visualized? Were multiple datasets utilized? Were different visualization methods utilized to convey a clear strategy or overall aesthetic? Was the page designed compelling with the story it was conveying?
Billy Whitehead

Billy Whitehead is an award-winning technologist in his role as the Smart City Program Manager for the Town of Morrisville. A graduate of East Carolina University, he is an IT Professional of 18 years ranging in skills from support to project management with various projects being recognized on the local and international stage. He is the project lead on the Morrisville Central development team for the Town.


Rick Ralph

Rick Ralph is an award-winning technology executive who currently serves as Chief Information Officer for Morrisville, North Carolina. With almost two decades of experience, he has helped private and public organizations transform their businesses using technology, embedding it across the organization to drive fundamental change. Rick created Morrisville’s first ever smart city program and strategic plan, where they have been recognized globally for the program and many of its innovative initiatives. He has a true passion for helping people and believes that utilizing technology should be at the forefront of this effort. 


Abhi Muthiyan (Varidx)

Abhi is an experienced technology leader, delivering innovative solutions in the enterprise software market. He is the architect of Varidx Smart City Platform. Abhi is active in the RTP entrepreneurial community, leading the TiE Angels network and TiE University competition. Abhi is a graduate of North Carolina State University. Varidx is a smart city platform that streamlines city management and enhances community safety, sustainability, and economic growth. It leverages advanced sensors, cloud-based software, and real-time analytics to provide a comprehensive view of city operations and enable proactive decision-making. Varidx is a customizable, secure, and cost-effective solution that empowers cities and communities to achieve their goals and create a better future.


Brendan Michaelsen

Brendan is VP of Technology for Lithios, a product design and development collective focused on building beautiful web, mobile, and IoT platforms for household enterprise brands like Intel, Bayer, and DraftKings. Lithios is headquartered in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina.In his spare time, Brendan is co-founder and CTO of the Raleigh-based nonprofit Our Wave, which focuses on building technology to empower survivors of sexual violence. Our Wave works with industry leaders and large organizations like me too. International, It's On Us, USA Gymnastics, and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center to create products that support survivor healing.Brendan graduated from Purdue in 2016 with his degree in Mechanical Engineering. While in school, he founded his first software startup with fellow engineering students in their dorm room. After graduating, Brendan moved to Raleigh, North Carolina, and works as an entrepreneur and founder, focusing on bringing innovative SaaS startups to market. Brendan has been an advisor to more than a dozen organizations and acted in a consulting capacity with dozens of startups and technology companies across the healthcare, human insights, productivity, and education markets. He is currently working on a new AI-based venture in the travel space. Outside of work, Brendan loves rock climbing, swimming, and traveling with his family.

starts on:
Jul 05, 2024, 05:30 PM UTC (UTC)
closes on:
Sep 06, 2024, 09:00 PM UTC (UTC)

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